Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Femdom ART from P.F. Dee????

So I’m assuming everyone picked up some new pandemic skill, while we were all locked away in our houses-

Some people learned how to bake sourdough, some learned a new instrument, I decided to take up drawing.  I’ve wanted to do it ever since I was a kid, and now I had the time.  

As ONE of you know, I started posting this on DeviantArt, but some of you wanted it here (and before I get banned there), so here you go!  (Be nice, because this is my FIRST stuff ever!)

My first pieces were all ball busting, since there was just more MOVEMENT and GRACE to those types of actions.  Here’s my first one ever: 

Like I said, I love the MOTION of this piece, the way he’s lifting off the ground, the grace of the little sister and her knee, and I love the little ‘cracking egg’ symbol next to his hips, (it’s standard in BB art). It always gave me ‘little sister loves big bro’ vibes, so I captioned it that way when I posted it to Deviant Art (click on it to read without the overlap): 

But I kind of like the pure white version better.  More… breathing room?  What do you all think?

My second piece was similarly romantic, simply called “Valentine’s Day”: 

Again, I really liked the MOVEMENT in this one, she’s like a ballet dancer, I think!  (You should have seen the references I used to sketch her….)  And the way her arms wrap around him, the intimacy of their   closeness- it reminded me a lot of when I wrote “Beauty vs. Brains” which I self-described as “a ball busting love story”.

I also love how simple the caption is.  

And after that, we move on to YOUNG love: 

It was taking me about 2 weeks between drawings, at this point, and I felt like I was improving like crazy between each one.  Like, look at that muscle girl’s THIGH- I could NEVER have drawn something like that, 6 months ago!

Also, I was sorta developing a ‘red heart’ theme in each piece by now- can you spot the heart in the lifeguard one?  It’s the way she’s peeling down his red ‘panties’ with her foot- another thing I couldn’t have drawn correctly, starting out!

About two weeks later I drew this: 

I love the way her thigh WRAPS around his shoulder, that’s something I had never really tried before.  And the close-up of the heartbroken penis always makes me giggle every time.  

It’s also when I realized I could show a lot of the boy’s expression, without even showing his face!

I quieted things down for my next to last piece: 

 I don’t know.  Don’t like that one as much.  But I had to get it out of my system.  

Finally, that brings us to where we are now, with me finally moving away from BB art and the red color scheme with a ‘little bit’ of fun:

Really love the tits in that one.  And the hands and feet- Medieval portrait artists used to charge EXTRA for drawing people’s hands because they HATED painting hands so much (which is why a lot of old museum portraits have the men’s hands stuffed into their jackets, if you notice), but will you look at HOW MANY hands and feet are in that last one?  

It almost KILLED ME. 

Anyway, I’m still very much a beginner, I really have to work on a LOT of things, but I hope these drawings brought a little fun into your week.  Don’t worry, I’ve got a short story coming out VERY soon, and maybe, one day, if I’m good enough, I could even draw the cover of one of my own books!  

(Maybe not, it’s just a fun hobby for now.)

Hope you enjoyed!



  1. These are great Dee wonderful work please keep at it

    1. Thanks! I was so worried people wouldn’t like it! These are my first ones, in a year I hope to be a lot better!

  2. These are great. I’ve been obsessed with femdom and spanking for decades but until recently never thought I’d like being whacked in the balls.

    But I do. It’s highly erotic, even if intense and a little scary. My wife Irene uses her knee, or her foot, or a riding crop.

    Very nice drawings. Oh and I always love a boy being teased by a group of girls.



    1. A loving hard knee to the balls from a sexy woman is so… strangely intimate, isn’t it? And scary and intense like you said, but it’s much more like a lover’s kiss than a boxer’s punch, even though it has the speed and motion of the latter.

      Glad you and your wife are having fun, although a crop would be TOO intense for me! (Knee and foot would be fun thought!)

  3. Pretty good!

    You're shading for muscle and skin shine is pretty solid!

    1. Thanks! Learning how to use a white airbrush to put ‘shine’ on things was a GAME CHANGER for how sexy the bodies look! I got a lot of inspiration from old Kami Tora art for that.

      Thanks for saying so!

    2. I still haven't gotten a handle on airbrush shading, myself. Have practiced it, but can't get it to look right.

      Only shading I'm kind of okay at is flat shades, which has it's own appeal, but isn't always what I want to go with.

    3. For what it’s worth, my learning path was that I bought “Rise of the Shield Maiden” on DrivethroughRPG by James LeMay and just COPIED his shiny techniques on disembodied arms, legs, butts, until I saw the general pattern of it. (Dark on the edges, actual skin color in the middle, fuzzy white shine on the part that’s facing the light, SHARP white shine if body is wet, and then back down the slope, actual skin color, darker at the edges.).

      The app I use is called ComicDraw and it’s got a fuzzy airbrush brush that works really well to give darker skin shade at the edge (for the shadow of muscles) and lighter at the top of the thigh, for example (at the peak of the muscle).

      I put the shine on a separate layer (so I can erase if I make a mistake) until the end, when I merge it down.

      But yeah, it was a lot of copying Kami Tora and James LeMay until I saw the patterns, and I’m still learning where all the muscle shadows go- Reddit naked body builder girls subreddits are great for that!

    4. That's a good technique! I've been using Krita on my PC. I've tried several other programs, but hadn't heard of ComicDraw before. Having the right brushes definitely makes a difference!

  4. You did it! I'm so glad! It would be really cool if you in the future managed to draw an image from the scene you're writing in future stores! These look great! Keep up the good work!

    1. Now that I can draw ANYTHING, it IS kind of freeing not to be limited by stock photos for covers! MAYBE I’ll try to illustrate a little scene in the far future- I want to work on faces for a while first, to really get expressions down!

    2. And thanks so much for the praise and support!

  5. They look great and very expressive. I especially like the dichotomy concept of the last picture; boys still 'grow' until their 21st birthday, the poor boy may trick himself into believing! :) .

    It's great that you took the traditional route to drawing -- photo manipulation and tracing is how I sated my own "need" to create femdom/spanking art, and while some can turn that medium into art, my own creations are very limited and repetitive, I'm afraid.

    1. Thanks! The expressions are what I try to get right the most! That's the real story.

      I've seen some great photo manips, especially putting dicks on hot girls to make them futa- that can be art too!

      But if we ever go into lockdown again, just 30 min to 1 hour of practice a day while watching Youtube, a $15 app and a $70 class, and you will be at the level I'm at above and have a skill for life! There's still time, and it's SO rewarding to draw a great set of breasts and have them turn out right!

  6. Very nice. All be it I am not that fond of ball busting, but that last one is more my speed though. I don't see why deviantart would ban you, I've seen much worse stuff on there.

    1. Thanks! Don't worry, there's more non-BB stuff coming. And the ban would be about showing dicks- everyone else on there censors penises for some reason? Even though, yes, I've seen people stealing peoples souls on that site. But penises are bad.
